Sunday, February 6, 2011

Adventures of a Pastor's Wife #3

Today was one of those days, I woke up with a headache and took some medicine. I worked so hard yesterday, cleaning the house, and I had all the children's clothes layed out for this morning. *SUPRISE* I got up early to make some macaroni and cheese for a friend's birthday party after church this morning. The headache got worse, and as I finished the macaroni I ended up on the floor in the kitchen, dizzy and sick. Emmaus had joined me this morning, and I was enjoying her chatter and company, while I was on the floor she asked me "Mommy are you sick?" I told her "yes". Soon I was in the bathroom throwing up and she followed me in there and asked me "Mommy are you throwing up?" I couldn't help being a little amused as I puked : )

I was unable to muster enough strength to get the children ready, so Jonathan had to feed them and dress them. They did very well, and I had even found Silas's shoes (last night) he had thrown into the toybox and we had been unable to find for 2 weeks and he had to wear his sneakers to church. So thank you Lord for helping me get all those clothes ready, there would have been no way Jonathan would have been able to get everyone ready in time. I rested until almost church time then was able to get myself ready and was able to get to church for Morning Worship and I was able to teach Children's Church which was wonderful becuase we had two new little boys! I also was well enough for the party in the Fellowship Hall after church. Very thankful my headache had subsided to endure the children (not just ours) running around screaming and chasing balloons.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm so sorry you were not feeling well.. it makes everything so much harder! Hurray that you were able to make it to morning worship, & hurray for having clothes laid out ahead of time- I just need to make sure the clothes I lay out actually fit my children! :)
    Hope your feeling better!!


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