Friday, May 29, 2015

Flash Friday (Our Day in Photos)

My bed buddy while Daddy is away.
Sorted clothes.

My helpers-

"It's too heavy Mom!!"  This is his exaggerating face.

All done, it wasn't too heavy after all...

The church across the street.
Our home.
Quick scooter run before breakfast.
Spoiled, William ate his oatmeal on the counter.  It's the seat of honor, really.

Shoe check, yup, wrong feet.
My lunch/breakfast.
Homemade bread.

Another mess to clean up.

Cheaters (SMART) way of getting the tops smooth.
Onions for our soup.
Speaking of messes...
Get it done!

1 comment:

  1. The children are all getting so big!

    Your mess. My mess. Life is just messy at times, isn't it? At some point I have heard a commercial on TV (though I don't remember the product) and every time I encounter a "mess" those words from that ad run through my mind: "Life is messy...Clean it up!" haha. If only it were just that simple.

    It's good to see your smiling face. :)


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