Sunday, June 27, 2010

Treasures of the Heart

Being a mom can be DRAINING.

Being a wife can be DEMANDING.

Being a christian can be TIME CONSUMING.

Being a female can be ANNOYING.

Ok, that sounds negative right? Well, these are things I have thought a time or two. Good or bad it's true. I realize these negative thoughts can rule my actions a determine how I live my day, how I go about my daily routines. How I execute the daily grind really shows what kind of person I am.

I have struggled for awhile to fit in my personal time with the Lord. I KNOW this is not something to neglect, but it is so easyt to! There was a time when I could not feel "free" to do anything else until I had had my morning devotions. That has long slipped away and I find myself too easily engaging in laundry, or dishes, or whatever before devotions.

As I have begun my blog, the leaness of my soul stood out starkly to me, especially while reading other blogs with deep spiritual content. I have a faithful husband, he reminds me, he asks me : Did you read your Bible today? If I find that question annoying you can clearly guess what the answer to it is. NO. The Lord has so clearly brought to my mind the verse For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Matthew 12:34. Why would I get angry at him for asking me about my spiritual welfare? Because there was nothing going INTO my heart from God's Word. I have not been taking time to SLOW down and take in. Not just God's word, but Godly, christian books.

So I asked myself, "what have you been taking in?" Nodda. Nothing. I had been waking up, starting my day, murmuring a few prayers here and there and sparadically reading my Bible. Any other reading was zilch.

I have begun placing treasures in my heart. What I put in to my mind affects what I think and feel as a woman and a christian. If I watch the news, it's negative! If I spend a lot of time online and do nothing else, it is empty. Pretty soon my lack of Godly input makes itself known by a leaness of soul! I can feel it and sense it in every area of my life. That's when the first statements become so real to me.

Being a mom can be DRAINING.

Being a wife can be DEMANDING.

Being a christian can be TIME CONSUMING.

Being a female can be ANNOYING.

It is then I realize things HAVE to change! Let's try this:

Being a mom is the most rewarding job ever!

Being a wife is an honor and a blessing!

Being a christain is VITAL and Crucial!

Being a female is what God created me to be! (even the annoying parts)

I am laying up treasures in my heart. I am Guarding my heart, watching cloesly the things I allow to come in, and being careful what is allowed to come out. I know from experience though that when I take in what is right, the "out put" is much different!


  1. Yes, Crystal! How important it is to hear His voice first and to think His thoughts. It does change our perspective on all we're called to do during the day as blessed wives and mothers, and it protects us from believing the lies that surround us. And, how blessed you are to have a husband who keeps you accountable.

  2. Thanks for reminding me that the most important thing is to spend time with our Heavenly Father... it makes a world of diffence!

  3. I've made a covenant with myself; if I have no time for the Lord, then I have NO time for the Internet...Period! It has helped me greatly to not be in the room where the computer is during my morning devotions so that I can completely focus on the Lord. Does that make me sound addicted? I've been going outside where I can enjoy God's creation while I spend time with Him alone. Very refreshing. I have come to the conclusion that if my new Covenant doesn't keep me on track with Jesus, I will get rid of the Internet altogether; that is how SERIOUS it has become for me. Praise God that he is burdening our hearts this way!


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